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Think that all events constitute a cause, and instantly memorize them

Tonight, I’m peering under a shelf or in a locker looking for an item, and I wonder if she’s starting to memorize my actions in detail.....

“Some people were chatting here that night, so maybe that distracted you.”

I cannot memorize clearly what happened two days ago. No, I have no desire to do that.
It wasn’t just her memorization that impressed me. This is because she memorizes in detail the actions of people other than her.
I wonder if she’s good at tracing her memories. Or I wonder if she always intends to memorize the events in front of her.
If she has the latter attitude, why would she do that?

How do you know you are getting closer to your goals?
It goes without saying that one measure of effort is to obtain a certain level of evaluation objectively.
By getting some positive feedback, we feel we are getting closer to our goals.
But these days, goals often change. A goal is not like a mountain, it’s like an ocean wave. In such a case, we cannot move forward.
Those who are advancing straight toward their goals quickly lose track when their goals are changed.

Generally, the cause is searched for after a trouble occurs. But in her case, I wonder if she thinks that all events constitute a cause, and instantly memorizes them.
Objectively, she is not a mainstay in the workplace where she works. But something solidifies her unique current status.
Other women who work here eat chocolate cookies, look into hand mirrors, and gossip. However, she continued her clerical work in a matter-of-fact manner.

What should I do if I lose my goal?
And progress can even turn into regression. Is this a tragedy? Or comedy?
Instead, we are given small goals until we find the next one. That small goal is just to move forward.

Tonight, I’m peering under a shelf or in a locker looking for an item, and I wonder if she’s starting to memorize my actions in detail.

Ukraine war: Kyiv claims major gains as Russia exits Kherson - BBC News
Ukraine war: Kyiv claims major gains as Russia exits Kherson - BBC News… Kyiv has also claimed big pushes on two fronts near Kherson, …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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