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Limit due to fog that is due to atmospheric and humidity correlations

I wanted to capture the receding figure that slowly melted into the light.....

When a person inhales smoke, he coughs. However, this morning was not the case. It wasn’t smoke that covered the streets, but fog.

Due to weather conditions, visibility is limited due to fog that is due to atmospheric and humidity correlations. The morning sun quietly rises from the other side of the road every morning, but this morning the sun looked absurdly large.

Which is more important, content or form?
It doesn’t matter which comes first between mechanism and function. The question is which one can reduce its meaning as much as possible.
As long as people act with consciousness, a certain social function is recognized there, so the role of the system becomes relatively small.
Figuratively speaking, when the content is more important than the vessel, the meaning of the mechanism becomes irrelevant.

The morning sun has lost its outline, and only the light is large and dyes part of the fog. A clump of light floated in the fog.
This is a rarity on this street. Some people taking a walk were photographing the sunrise. A figure suddenly appeared in the fog and slowly disappeared.
I have the illusion that I am standing in light rather than in fog. This fog will disappear after a few hours. That’s unfortunate.

What happens to humans in a highly organized society?
Then, conversely, if the system is so advanced that people no longer need to make decisions, I wonder if the social function can be denied.
In fact, contrary to our feelings, there are cases where the meaning of human activities is small. This is due to the system being too highly structured.
At that time, even the contents will become part of the vessel.

I also turned on my phone’s camera as well. I wanted to photograph the shadows in the light.
I wanted to capture the receding figure that slowly melted into the light.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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