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Initiate to reach an agreement

He told me so, but the elevator hasn’t stopped yet…

“Don’t you know a good job? If you do, tell me. I’ll do anything.”

A young man looks at me and speaks. However, his clothes are somewhat sloppy, which limits the work he can do.
I won’t point it out to him or even ask him what kind of work he wants to do. The man and I are standing in the elevator. Even I don’t want to be hit suddenly.

What can end negotiations?
The only thing left that can stop our negotiations is rupture or agreement.
If we assume that negotiations are initiated to reach an agreement, then the negotiations can be considered successful when an agreement is reached.

“I’m doing a contract job right now and the wait times are really long, so I’m looking for a more efficient way to make money.”
The current trend in how people work is to keep fixed costs as low as possible. For example, employees are paid only wages. No one pays for preparation work or waiting time to work.
I feel the elevator rising more slowly than usual. I hope the ascent stops and the doors open soon.

Are negotiated agreements permanent?
But all agreements are inevitably provisional decisions, and after some length of time the agreements will inevitably be overturned.
Negotiations were initiated to seek partial concessions precisely because no consensus could be reached, right? So the resulting agreement is always an illusion.

He stopped talking one-sidedly. I wonder if I should say something. Unfortunately, I don’t have the information that would please him, and first of all, I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.
“See you later. Bye-bye.”
He told me so, but the elevator hasn’t stopped yet.

Ethiopia civil war: Tigray truce a triumph PM Abiy Ahmed - BBC News
Ethiopia civil war: Tigray truce a triumph PM Abiy Ahmed - BBC News… “law enforcement operation” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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