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Quote the word world if we want to break out of simmering thoughts

And it will be shared by even more followers.....

he is still in high school With his graduation just around the corner, he is working hard at his part-time job.

I believe that those who have dreams should work hard to make them come true. Therefore, it is inevitable that he can’t help but be sleepy during the day because he works late at night.

What words can turn despair into hope?
There are useful words that are quoted in various situations. One of those words is the world.
The word “world” universalizes discussion, dilutes responsibility, and transforms despair into hope.

“Want to know what I do? All I do is take selfies and post them on social media.”
His latest obsession is dyeing his hair. His bangs are purple now, but a few weeks ago they were yellow.
As soon as he finds a new hair dye, he tries it. White, orange, green, etc., he is full of curiosity and adventure.

where is the world
However, the reason the term is useful is that no one has ever seen it. Even you haven’t seen the world, have you?
So if we want to break out of simmering thoughts, we can quote the word world. And it is enough to realize that the world is inside us.

“I’ll add a comment to that, but it doesn’t mean much. I have very few followers. It’s only 250.”
Photos of his new hair color have entertained at least 250 people around the world. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
In time, he may publish a very novel hair dyeing method that is a mess of various colors. And it will be shared by even more followers.

As the 8 billionth child is born, who were 5th, 6th and 7th? - BBC News
As the 8 billionth child is born, who were 5th, 6th and 7th? - BBC News… “We basically looked at the projections and dreamed up this idea that the world population would pass five billion in 1987,” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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