“Did you see the manager’s face? It was bright red, right? He seems to have high blood pressure. The manager seems to be in poor health.”
It continues to be said
that the cause of high blood pressure is body shape. More precisely, it depends on what you eat every day.
Hypertension can be avoided by reducing the amount of fat ingested and maintaining moderate physical activity. However, the real cause of the manager’s hypertension seems to be a mental burden.
Of course, this is just a rumor. There are no mental health professionals in the workplace, and the manager is always laughing out loud.
However, if I watched the manager carefully, I found that he had few chances to talk quietly with someone, even though he laughed a lot.
What is the next state after the ultimate?
What is the next state after the ultimate?
When a certain state that reaches the highest point qualitatively or quantitatively continues to progress, the highest point takes the form of ultimate.
The ultimate state cannot stop automatically. The ultimate will move on to the next stage. Where is the ultimate going?
Isn’t it in an inverted state? The state that has passed through all the processes jumps to the opposite state after the ultimate state.
For example, let’s assume that a problem has been thoroughly explored. What answer does a thoroughly in-depth task bring?
The answer given in that case will overturn the question. Because if the task is dug down to the end, the answer reverses the task.
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“I thought that would be the case. I’m glad we didn’t have any problems. I’m relieved!”
I wonder who the manager is talking to. Something was settled, and I noticed that he was trying to announce it.
As usual, his face is engorged and bright red. Maybe his suffering will not be shared by anyone. Because that’s the job of the manager.
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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you