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A few employees believed they had market value and had already retired

It’s 20:00. The length of one minute just before the end was forever. So that one minute is still going on in my mind.....

Despite the fact that time is a measure of things, the idea of ​​trying to measure the magnitude or length of that time is excellent.


That’s true, isn’t it? Because ordinary people can’t think of measuring the scale of a measuring rod with a measuring rod.

However, we often experience that the length of time is rather random.

For example, when you’re having fun, the length of time feels short. When tired, the length of time feels endless.

Let me introduce an example. I have worked in a grocery store that closes. It had been about two weeks since it was decided to suspend business due to poor management.

A few employees believed they had market value and had already retired and did other work. The remaining employees have reached their final business day.

Visitors knew that the store with noticeable gaps on the shelves would disappear the next day. Still, the employees continued to work normally.

Because the mission of the employees of this store is to sell the goods that customers want. I intended to continue selling until 20:00, the closing time, until the last minute.

The flow of time was extremely slow and heavy on this day. The customers who came to the store packed their groceries into the cart as usual.

It’s past 19:00. We did our best.

19:30. No one was thinking about looking for a job from the next day. Somehow it became fun.

It’s 20:00. The length of one minute just before the end was forever. So that one minute is still going on in my mind.

Closed home sales were up 5% from a year earlier and pending sales were up 21%. …
Baton Rouge home sales mirror national trends

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
