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has been said that this is a historically famous statement

What is it for? It’s for something next. Yes, to forget something for a short while.....

If you don’t have bread, why not eat cake?


It has been said that this is a historically famous statement. Even though many studies have raised some questions about the true meaning and background of this statement.

However, it cannot be denied that the people of the class called aristocrats lived extremely rich lives. For example, they seem to have slept while listening to music at bedtime. The hired performers were playing music all night near the bedroom.

To put it simply, it would fall into the category of lullabies.

There may be exceptions in modern times, but when a household has many young children, older children take care of the baby. In the olden days before music was bought and sold, slightly older children sang lullabies to stop the baby from crying for a few hours until the time of the next meal.

I want you to notice a certain point. The lullaby has lyrics, but the baby who hears them has not mastered the language. So you don’t need lyrics for lullabies, right?

However, when we hear the handed down lullabies, we can recognize the lyrics that have a deep impression. All of them are the contents that spell out the hardships of life and the sadness of fate.

That is, the lullaby was sung for the baby, but the content was edited for those who sang the lullaby.

Similarly, in ancient times, players who played music for aristocrats must have been training their own musical skills while serving the aristocrats.

Well, today we live listening to music on earphones. What is it for? It’s for something next. Yes, to forget something for a short while.

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Black NBA players have shorter careers than white players… The results were driven mostly by bench players, who are the majority of those in the league, but who average less than 20 minutes of action per game. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
