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Depending on the type of job, rules may be imposed on the appearance

Because even in a workplace where hair color is unified, troubles often occur.....

Earlier in the morning, I saw several policemen from a nearby police box standing.


I don’t know the details, but it seems that there was something wrong with the neighborhood. As is often the case, it seems that someone didn’t eat or drink and pay for it.

There is no dispute that the security of society is good. The issue of continuous dissent is how to make society safer.

Basically, it is easy to think that if society becomes richer, various troubles will not occur, but is that really the case?

By the way, depending on the type of job, rules may be imposed on the appearance. Small rules are often imposed when working in uniform.

For example, in one restaurant, hair imitations were lined up on the walls of the employee room. They were hair color samples.

If the employee’s hair color matches the color of the sample, then there is no problem and no hair color deviating from the sample is allowed. All seven samples were basically brown.

Well, discipline may be needed, but I don’t think it can solve all the problems.

Because even in a workplace where hair color is unified, troubles often occur.

23-year-old man with mental health concerns reported missing
23-year-old man with mental health concerns reported missing… Beasinger is described as around 5’8” tall and 170 lbs., with blue eyes and sandy brown hair. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
