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Want to know a powerful hint to solve the mystery?

You too, right? But think calmly, do you already have the skills mentioned above as a housewife? ....

What time do you think it is now? Get up now!

an affair

It’s a word we’ve heard many times, and many mothers in the home will scream it almost every morning.

No matter how much artificial intelligence develops, it will not be possible to recreate the absurd debate between those who rob blankets and those who are half-sleeping.

When did it become one of the housewives’ missions to wake up young children in human history?

In the first place, do housewives get up early and have a short average sleep time? No, I don’t think that’s possible. As long as you are a housewife or an individual, you must get proper sleep.

So how do housewives manage their health?

Want to know a powerful hint to solve the mystery? Well, in fact, housewives are scammers who are good at hiding things.

That’s right! In other words, the housewife takes a good nap at her home, where no one but her is left after noon.

It’s not just a nap. Immediately after waking up, the housewives munching on the hidden three servings of cookies and milk.

Further wrongdoing continues. Housewives secretly save money and do not tell their passbooks or balances to their husbands or children.

And, oh, is there no god in this world? Housewives always have an affair. What kind of people are housewives always having an affair with? But don’t get involved in the problem. A demon holding a blanket will attack those who tell the secret at the risk of their lives.

In general, young girls yearn for a communal life with their favorite man. You too, right? But think calmly, do you already have the skills mentioned above as a housewife?

Former Mainland Softball Star to Receive Woman of the Year Award
“I got an email that day, Feb. 3, and I was reading the email and I had no idea (I had won that award). In the email they just said they were going to mail the award, and I was thinking, ‘what award?’”

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
