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In short, as long as the hidden harassment among women continues, it must be said that all gender activities have tremendous backdoors.....

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There are two types of carelessness committed by humans. One is carelessness caused by carelessness. The other is carelessness that is deliberately set.

Frankly speaking, one day the toilet was bright red.

This carelessness was not a simple carelessness, but a deliberate message.

In recent years, the term transgender has become popular, raising innovative and fundamental questions about human gender.

I do not deny that people’s sensibilities should not be defined by gender, but rather the attitude of actively choosing gender and being proud of it.

But behind such innovative and fundamental efforts lies a terrifying trap. It is the attitude that women take advantage of being biologically female themselves.

In other words, women are still dominated by the passive nature of menstruation. And, sadly, women sometimes take advantage of the fact that they are dominated by menstruation.

Specifically, for example, in a limited small society, young women sometimes show off their physiology as they silence older women.

We are active women! You are no longer women!

Hey, wait. Menstruation isn’t the nature you’ve acquired aggressively, it’s been passively imposed from birth, right?

If women were to use what they were passively equipped with, what was the battle for women to revive their sexuality?

In short, as long as the hidden harassment among women continues, it must be said that all gender activities have tremendous backdoors.

My experience living as a transgender woman
My experience living as a transgender woman… The questions I often hear are about the inner workings of the medical transition. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
