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Undoubtedly dating a young woman secretly, but his wife knew it before it began

What did we witness? Only the green in the store was terribly bright.....

At first glance, the woman was in her 40s, the man was also in her 40s, and a young woman in her 20s.

can not dominate

The three were not family members. Because a woman in her 40s painted the area around her lips more than necessary red enough to use up all of her lipstick, and her eyes were shining dark.

Something was about to begin.

Perhaps the man’s wife chose the cafe as the venue for the discussion. Men and young women didn’t seem to have the right to make any decisions.

All husbands want to build a wonderful family, but if their wives take control of it, their determination and passion are atrophied.

Ah, even today, when people’s diversity is claimed, are there only one type of affair that husbands do!

He was undoubtedly dating a young woman secretly, but his wife knew it before it began.

Keep in mind that every wife can always scan the inside of their husbands’ brains.

Anyway, a woman who was so young showed off her youth, and a summit to stop it began.

His wife calmly explained the situation, clarified the ethical responsibilities of her husband and thief cat, and finally proposed a solution.

The young woman consistently smiles loosely. Because I’m younger than you

We know that there are times in the world where you can win in theory, but you can’t dominate under more fundamental conditions. His wife must have remembered it too.

The young thief cat kept smiling so much that the slightly older wife sprinkled a glass of water on the hater’s face.

It was her husband, not the thief cat, who got soaked.

No longer, regardless of the young woman’s smile, his terribly confused wife then grabbed a small bowl of sugar.

The cafe was now a battlefield.

Her husband, who was bathed in water and sugar and instantly transformed into a snowman, couldn’t say anything. The people at the cafe also couldn’t say a word.

However, at that moment, the manager of the cafe rushed in and shouted. You guys get out!

The three disappeared in no time without paying. Bullfighting is over

What did we witness? Only the green in the store was terribly bright.

This destination Alabama cafe is worth the trip, by car or boat -
This destination Alabama cafe is worth the trip, by car or boat -… “I feel like people even in the most rural part of the country deserve to eat chef-y food,” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
