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Didn’t want to forget their native language

Children who speak words that their parents do not know can no longer feel the hardships of their parents.....

An old couple told their only son: Son, I want you to decorate the winter flowers

not want to forget

Winter flowers? It seemed to mean a flower that blooms in winter, but my son wasn’t sure.

Anyway, his parents asked their children for something almost impossible.

Perhaps it was the first and last time the couple asked their children for something.

The only wish of their parents’ lives was a very difficult one to fulfill.

The parents were immigrants and struggled with a language unfamiliar to them for some time after entering the country. It was because they couldn’t learn a foreign language right away, but in reality they didn’t want to forget their native language.

The couple worked every day, saved money, rented a house, got married, and raised children. The child attended a local school and had no difficulty with the language.

In general, all parents are happy with their child’s growth. However, many parents have many opportunities to compare themselves with their children, which makes them feel complicated and lonely.

Because second-generation immigrant children could stand at the starting line of this society and participate in fair competition, but their parents spent their lives reaching the starting line.

Children who speak words that their parents do not know can no longer feel the hardships of their parents. That’s why parents asked their children for one thing they couldn’t do.

Winter flowers were a symbol of their homeland.

Defiant Child? Or Just Seeking Connection, Motivation, Activation?
Defiant Child? Or Just Seeking Connection, Motivation, Activation?… I don’t see this as defiance. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
