A certain company continues to increase its deficit each accounting period. This is because personnel expenses are not going down in the field that forms the core of the company.
Despite the fact that the company’s valuation in the market has fallen to the point of declining, the management continues to sell aggressively.
The only reason such management can continue its reckless adventures is that its investors will never pull out.
Investors see the company as a testbed for next-generation business models, according to an analysis by the trade paper. The next-generation model is one that will revolutionize the distribution of products.
- Are there many ways to perceive things?
- The way the world is perceived should be objectively scrutinized.
Because there are not as many ways to perceive things as we think. There are surprisingly few of them.
But we are not afraid of that fact. The reason is that only a few methods are known.
However, even if investment continued for a business model that had not yet materialized, the front line of the company was forcibly reduced staff.
Specifically, intermediate positions were abolished at all branches. Each branch is now run by a store manager and a few assistants.
This is extremely annoying for employees. Because, right? Because the employees have to see the store manager’s face all day long.
- How would we feel if the world were perceived differently?
- If a new way of perceiving was established and the world was perceived differently, how would we feel about it?
we have no way of imagining it.
Also, for the store managers, they must not want to forcibly reduce the number of employees. Because they will have to work all day.
The only saving grace is that the way frontline workers work hasn’t changed much. They are still happy to work.
However, it is rumored that employees may be laid off in the near future. This rumor will come true.
Women cleaning skyscraper windows without harnesses shocks Chinese netizens… Allegedly filmed on Dec. 11 in Songyuan, China, …
That’s all for today’s post. Thank you