Look at that store, some really weird people having a good time drinking.” .... “Keep it to yourself. You know? It’s not going to make any money running a bar down this street in this town.” If you want to keep this story confidential, why don’t you speak quieter? “There are no good people on this street. There are people hanging around here and there who don’t do anything during the day. They don’t even have change to go to a bar and drink a few drinks.” What is uninvited information? I would like to assert that most of the information, strictly defined, is uninvited information. It is information that we cannot avoid. Even you find it annoying, right? That unwanted information is distributed by exploiting the properties of our perceptual organs. You see, even you and I have only a few coins left in our pockets. “So if you want to do business here, you have to lower the selling price a lot. The price of alcohol has to be on par with the candy that...