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Misread the numbers that appear on the LCD in the case of digital watches

In short, no one in society knows your name, nor do we know the true name of society.....

“I hate digital watches. Watches are useful because the hands rotate. I perceive time as a quantity by the angle between the long and short hands of the watch.”

He had many dictionaries. When I asked him why he had so many dictionaries, he replied that all his dictionaries were donated by his friends or acquaintances.
I think it will be enough to have one dictionary. Anyway, he, who has a lot of dictionaries, said the watch must be of the pointer type.

Why is sharing so popular?
If social and private are independent fashions, social is undoubtedly the trend these days.
Until recently, private life or rights were a new movement, but now that the internet is widespread, everything is oriented to be social.
This coincides with our shift in values ​​from monopoly to sharing.
Those who have been on the endless journey to self through yoga or meditation are extinct, and we are on our way to society, still a long way to go.

I wonder if he still loves his pointer-type wristwatch. Certainly, in the case of digital watches, the numbers that appear on the LCD are often misread. If it is a pointer type, it will be rare to misidentify the long hand and the short hand.
The reason I bought a classic watch a few months ago wasn’t because he inspired me. The reason is that I found it a bit disgusting to see so many people casually wearing smartwatches on their wrists.

What are the side effects of socialization?
But don’t forget the side effects of the socialization journey. It’s a matter of us being anonymous.
In short, no one in society knows your name, nor do we know the true name of society.

I wrapped an old-fashioned watch around my wrist and stared at it for a while, but it had no alarm or Bluetooth function. I faintly felt that it was boring.
But the tilt of the hands of the clock told me the approximate time.
When the minute hand is in the right half of the display, I go slow, and when it’s in the left half, I’m in a bit of a hurry.
I know this use of the watch is irrational. However, this kind of usage cannot be achieved with a digital watch.
Apart from that, I haven’t read a dictionary recently. I suspect that he, the owner of many dictionaries, simply had them and never read them carefully.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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