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Be, simply put, a society governed by law

No way, is it for letting people stand here one by one? ....

Every time I pass by the big building, I notice something strange. The building is a gambling hall.

Those who do not know the circumstances may mistake the building for some kind of warehouse. But let’s take a closer look. Can you see a few people walking by?
Various gambling equipment is lined up inside the white wall, and there is even a small dining room.

What is a structured society?
I think it’s only recently that we’ve been able to calmly approve of control and follow as a set.
I don’t care about the set’s provenance, I just want to point out a few things about its current state. First, the relationship between dominating and dominated is divided into functional and structural.
For ease of explanation, let us simply assume that the relationship between dominating and dominated is society. I would like to say that there is a structural society and a functional society in society.
Structural society, for example, can be recognized as something like culture. Simply put, it is a society in which concrete coercion does not work.
A functional society is, simply put, a society governed by law.

There is a large parking lot in front of the building. Gamblers drive cars to get here and lose a lot of money.
The thing that puzzles me the most is that this big gambling place continues to exist despite not having many customers.
I even wonder if this store will not go bankrupt due to a small number of customers losing a lot of property.
In addition, there are strange things in the parking lot. A grid is painted on the concrete ground. One grid is roughly a square with a side of about one meter.

Are law and culture independent of each other?
Summing up, therefore, relationships of dominance and subservience can be divided into cultural and legal. And these two societies are collaborating in places we don’t know, pretending to be independent of each other.

In other words, squares with sides of 1 meter are arranged regularly. And look at this Each square is numbered.
The numbers given to the squares start at 1 and exceed 200. What is this? No way, is it for letting people stand here one by one?

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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