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Produce a result, but the result cannot reproduce the process

The child got on his bicycle and went somewhere.....

I don’t know why little children tend to follow adults’ instructions.

These are the only words that a boy who seems to be about 7 years old looked up at me and cheerfully said. I was a little surprised, but gave the child a normal reply.
I don’t know the child. I was standing in front of a store when a boy approached me without my noticing. He only greeted me sweetly.
In my case, I wonder how many years ago I last greeted a stranger.

What are the results?
If the meaning of the process can be expressed in some way, its straightforward form adopts the form of the result.
However, the result is often presented as something that cannot detail the process that produced it. Indeed, the results cannot explain the process.
This is only considered so because the process of producing the result has disappeared at the time the result appears.
A process produces a result, but the result cannot reproduce the process. So the result is an explanation in itself and cannot explain anything else.

Brazil election: ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wins vote but not outright victory | Brazil | The Guardian
Brazil election: ex-president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wins vote but not outright victory | Brazil | The Guardian… With more than 99.5% of votes counted the leftist veteran had secured 48.3% of the vote, …

His child’s parents may be teaching him to greet people cheerfully when he meets them.
But I’m someone you don’t know, you know? If I were the parent of this child, I would teach him: Don’t get involved with strangers.

Can the results explain the process?
Therefore, if you wish to know the process from its results, which are the residue of the process, do not analyze the results.
Rather, by rejecting the result, we can imagine exactly the process that produced it.

“It’s hot again today. Is your work going well?”
There is an elderly man in the shop and he calls out to me. I wonder if this old man is the father of this child. No, it must be the grandfather of this child.
The smell of burning sauce somehow irritates me. I don’t know if it was to calm the irritation, but a young woman appeared.
I can imagine that this woman is the child’s mother. So what is the relationship between this old man and this young woman?
The child got on his bicycle and went somewhere.

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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