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Finish it in a little while

I can’t urge you to hurry up.....

“Please wait a moment. We are still cooking. It will be finished in a little while.”

The young cook’s eyes are bloodshot. He holds his hands over the hot flame and turns the mutton over and over again.
Another young man opens beer and carries it to the customer. A dirty bottle opener hangs from his waist.

What are the premises for favorable negotiations?
The premise for being able to proceed with negotiations in an advantageous manner is to be superior in some way to the negotiating partner.
Conversely, supremacy is an effective bargaining weapon, and negotiations without it should not begin.
But parallel to negotiations, dominance also changes. Superiority does not last forever.

There is only one young woman, and she does the liquidation work near the exit. She also yells, “Please wait a moment.”
She guides customers to the window of this small barbeque shop. Almost all the tables by the window are occupied, but the rest of the tables are empty.
I think the view outside the window is wonderful. Bright lights illuminate the streets.
However, I feel that this store does not have enough smoke exhaust equipment. Nowhere does the purple smoke from grilling meat get sucked up.

What would happen if the advantages and disadvantages were reversed?
I wonder what will happen if the superiority changes drastically and the advantage and disadvantage are reversed.
As bad as it sounds, negotiations will stop. Then the next stage will begin.

Maybe it’s just my imagination, but the smoke seems to hit the cook’s face directly. But he has no intention of leaving there.
I can’t urge you to hurry up.

It’s the first ballistic missile launched over Japan since 2017 and increases the tally for 2022, …
North Korea launches missile over Japan, sending residents to shelter | CNN

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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