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Take from directly above

I still don’t know who owns it.....

The photos my phone received were all blurry, but thanks to someone giving me a little insight, I was able to figure out what it was about.

The image I imagine from the word bicycle is a frame with two large wheels and a bicycle-specific shape. So when shooting a bicycle, I don’t think the subject should be shot from directly above.
A bicycle taken from directly above looks like scrap iron. Especially when four bicycles are stuck together.

What should we do just before using tools?
When we use tools, we select the appropriate tools just before that.
After we have a clear image of the means by which we will achieve a certain goal, we choose our tools.
But we often make the wrong choice of means. Why?
I suspect that one of the reasons for this strange occurrence is that we do not understand the means very well.
We digest a lot of information and are knowledgeable about how to achieve our goals. Such knowledge is certainly useful.

“Some of those bicycles have been sitting there for months already.”
And someone is going to move it somewhere else. Almost everyone was notified before the abandoned bikes were removed.
When I took a closer look at the picture of the bike that appeared on my phone screen, I realized that the bike was very old.

Why is it wrong to rush to our ends?
However, I would like to point out once again that achieving an end is one thing, and choosing the means is another.
I wonder what would happen if we confuse the achievement of the end with the choice of means.

Everyone assumes that the owner of the bike has no intention of taking them. Because if the owners come forward, they’ll have to take this piece of junk home.
Rather, I suspect that the owners abandoned it there.
I still don’t know who owns it.

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Thailand massacre: Dozens of children among at least 36 people killed in nursery shooting and stabbing attack | CNN… Authorities immediately launched a manhunt for the suspected attacker, …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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