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Shout angrily not to bring the flag

A runner running behind the flag man shouts angrily not to bring the flag.....

“Look, here’s your race registration card. Take this to the venue next Sunday. I’ve finished your registration.”

What are you saying all of a sudden? I know that you, a health geek, will be running a citizen marathon, but why should I be running too?
seriously? He has registered a few other buddies besides me. You know we don’t get along very well, do you?

Do Concepts Need Boundaries?
If every notion that is mean to us has a principle, it is the boundary.
Concepts will be defined exclusively by boundaries. This is easier to understand than the essential definition.
And if there is some kind of coordinating function working between different concepts, it is nothing but a mechanism that traverses concepts.

Well, Sunday. Thousands of runners gather in a nearby park, waiting for the race to begin. I couldn’t find my friends, and I regretted wearing sportswear a little.
Starting from this park, it seems that I will run about 20 km. For some reason, several light trucks were waiting. The truck is going to pick up the slow runners and carry them to the finish line.
At noon, a number of runners began to limp out. It looks like the race has started.

What are the drawbacks of thinking differently?
If there is a mechanism that crosses concepts, we will be able to empathize even with unfamiliar concepts to some extent.
However, the fluid essence inherent in concepts is never shared. If the essence of the concept were to be destroyed, we would destroy the transversal function.

The roads of the marathon course are regulated so that vehicles cannot pass. But the other roads that cross the course are normal.
Vehicles traverse the marathon course after the group of runners has passed.
I started running slowly, but someone was arguing with someone nearby. A strange runner is carrying a flag twice his height.
A runner running behind the flag man shouts angrily not to bring the flag.

The meeting itself isn’t out of the ordinary …
Crimea bridge explosion: Putin to chair Russia Security Council meeting after humiliating blast on strategic crossing | CNN

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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