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Say proudly while repeatedly touching the huge diver’s watch

If he witnessed a traffic accident, he would leave the scene immediately.....

“What should you do if you witness a traffic accident up close? Or what should you do immediately if you are involved in a traffic accident?”

A young man says proudly while repeatedly touching the huge diver’s watch that he is proud of wrapped around his arm.
Even if a playboy with long hair gives a lecture on traffic accidents, I can’t take it realistically.

Should leaders know how to lead?
It would be a great illusion to assume that the leadership mindset is what the leader has.
Leadership is the idea of ​​separating the position of leading the majority from the position of being led by that position, and is not the exclusive property of the leader.
That is, it is a consensus that a leader is approved to be elected, not something that would at least be promulgated by a leader.

“The first thing to do is move the vehicle to the side of the road. Even if it is a bicycle, it must be moved to the edge of the road.”
Well, yes, it’s not good to have a wrecked, overturned car blocking the road. But I wonder who would do that.
“The next thing to do is help the wounded.” I wonder what people without medical knowledge can do for the injured.
Several other people who were taught the procedures for responding to traffic accidents with me also looked unconvinced.

When are leaders elected?
Naturally and artificially, a consensus consisting of leadership and follow-up must be shared by all. And, perhaps surprisingly, a leader is elected after this slightly terrifying idea is shared.

“The third thing to do is call an ambulance, okay?”
what? Isn’t that the number one priority? This question almost popped out of my mouth, but I held back. Because I imagined that my question would delay the end of this lovely lecture.
I wonder if this flirtatious man has ever witnessed a car accident. If he witnessed a traffic accident, he would leave the scene immediately.

“The prime minister is not under a desk,” …
Sunak, Mordaunt or Boris Johnson: The candidates who could succeed Liz Truss as UK prime minister | CNN

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you

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