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Does the idea have a size or shape?

Expiration dates must be strictly controlled.....

I think words are convenient. Words can be written even if they are not facts. It’s up to the reader to decide whether it’s a fact or a falsehood.


How about the assortment of grocery stores at midnight?

The number of products is not much different from daytime.
Feeling a little better at the sloppy compliments, I headed to the grocery store late at night.
I wanted to know what kind of products were left unsold at the store, which is open until 23:00.
There are only a few customers, including me, and the clerk is wiping the floor with a mop.
The number of products is not much different from daytime. The lights are shining, and if you don’t have a clock, it’s like daytime.
I looked at the place where the meat was displayed. Only one product remains. It’s unsold.
But I don’t think this is a simple unsold. Even the customers who needed it wouldn’t dare to throw the last one into the cart.
why? The answer is simple. Because that was the last one.

All ideas have no form

Whether it’s a great idea or a tired idea.
The idea is intangible because it hasn’t happened yet. To put it the other way around, everything that has no shape is just an idea.
But we evaluate, rank, and sort out ideas. I wonder what the criteria for that judgment are.
I would like to point out that the standard is the size of the idea.
There is no size for something that has no shape. This is the correct theory. But we, who are imaginative, admit the size of the idea composed of words.
I think that such a size may be something like the scale that would be expected if a certain idea was realized.

I feel that only one unsold product has a mysterious personality.
Such products refuse to be compared relative to their surroundings, and I think it is an overstatement to say that they are absolute.
However, I don’t want to imagine the end of the solitary king who reigned in the sales floor until the closing time.
Expiration dates must be strictly controlled.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
