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What are some stages of weather conditions commonly referred to as rainy weather?

It will probably dry out in the sun today.....

There are several stages even in weather conditions commonly referred to as rain. Heavy rain, moderate rain, light rain.


In heavy rain

large drops of water are sprayed diagonally, and the falling speed is high. However, this rain does not continue to fall for a long time.
In moderate rain, relatively fine water droplets fall almost vertically. The sound of rain is small and our bodies do not get soaked, but it continues to rain for half a day.
The characteristic of light rain is that fine water droplets are carried by the wind. If you’re not careful, you won’t notice that it’s starting to rain. However, this condition can even last for 24 hours.
Tired of the waterproof rain gear, I found something surprising. The number of days of heavy rain is extremely rare throughout the year.
Most of the rain on a rainy day is moderate. Heavy and waterproof hoodies aren’t really needed.
As a result of these considerations, I bought a light nylon jacket. The price is equivalent to one double-layered hamburger and a glass of drink.
There are other reasons for focusing on lightweight jackets. The lightweight jacket can be folded and pushed into your pants pocket.
how is it? I’m eco-friendly, right?

Should original ideas be realized?

One of the things that hasn’t been shouted so much these days is the slogan to challenge.
Take the courage to challenge something!
However, no one knew what to challenge. Also, no one told us who would do it.
Of course, it’s great to take action to realize your original ideas. Unless someone starts something, social progress will stop.
But if it’s just a challenge, anyone can do it. If you look at how many failed people are alive in the world, you will soon notice that.
So, if you want to challenge something for the sake of society, there is one thing to remember. It’s collateral.
Specifically, let’s check the retreat route in case the challenge ends in a miss. As long as that retreat is guaranteed, you can take on a pretty big challenge.

It’s kind of fun! Because I have one less heavy baggage. The body is light like a lie.
However, it is sunny today. So I may be optimistic.
If it rains, it’s okay to decide which rain gear to use each time, depending on how much rain it is.
I washed a fucking heavy waterproof hoodie this morning. It will probably dry out in the sun today.

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Apple issues fixes for bugs affecting widgets and Apple Music on iPhone 13 - 9to5Mac… “an issue where widgets might revert to their default settings after you restore your iPhone or iPad from a backup.” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
