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Why is reality so convincing?

In short, which is more persuasive, the one in front of you or the one without? ....

“We are introducing telework, so please wait for a while until the person in charge responds.”


What are the advantages of teleworking?

To be sure, this crappy contact takes much less time than going to a sales office that has been reduced by consolidation. In that sense, teleworking is not bad.
However, I have no choice but to wait until the operator picks up the handset. What is she or he doing? Is it now wiping the inside of the dishwasher?
A few days ago, one of the insurance agents said there was something to check. Because of that trivial errand, I can’t do anything for at least 10 minutes.
After a while, the operator said in a bright and crisp voice: What is the name of your representative?
Representative? In short, it seems that the name of an individual whose rights and obligations are centralized is required to prepare the documents.
Representative? who is it?
This answer of mine is not a bad joke. I really have no idea who represents me.

Those who value reality

tend to have little belief in speech or ideals, and only in real-life events.
It means that only reality or facts are the strongest speech and worth surpassing ideals.
Of course, very few would doubt this. For a certain reality, almost no one can say that this is not the reality.
However, the facts or events have no explanation. We are the ones who explain it. And the explanation changes greatly depending on how to understand the event.
In other words, the persuasive power of facts and events is given by humans.
When this small gap grows, the facts are a little less convincing.

Even though some people haven’t seen me for a week, my friends are playing calmly.
I also occasionally go out to hang out, but I wonder how many people remember me.
At least I can say that the existence of a person is more conscious by others when he is not there than when he is there.
We think more deeply about those who haven’t seen us for a few days than those who are laughing in a silly conversation in front of us.
In short, which is more persuasive, the one in front of you or the one without?

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All the iPhone 13 release date clues: Apple could reveal its new flagship in just a few weeks - CNET… Similar to last year’s announcement of the iPhone 12, …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
