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What are the disadvantages of the form of things?

Nowadays, the only subjects you can shoot without worry are the clouds in the sky, the sun, the ground, or the sleeping face of a cat.....

You can shoot movies even when the sun goes down and it gets dim. The camera detects the brightness and adjusts the optimum exposure.


What should I be careful about when sharing video?

People who love cameras may be dissatisfied with its convenience. Especially, lovers of analog cameras that use celluloid film.
I don’t have such a special hobby, so I want to record the city at dusk by pressing a button on my cell phone.
But when we publish the recorded data, we have to keep a few things in mind.
When shooting beautiful landscapes and crowds, no person’s face, vehicle license plate, product or service name or logo should be recorded.
That is because if such information is shared, we cannot estimate the risks that arise from it.

One of the mistakes we often make

is to stick to format.
The format of things is easy to understand, but if you are not familiar with what is in that format, we repeat meaningless things.
The form of things is a trace of things that have been completed and cannot respond quickly to new situations.
The content of things is shaped only by our experience.
Therefore, it is safe to say that the form of things is a collection of our failures.
If this is understood, it is okay to imitate the form of things. Imagine that with the addition of our failure, the format of things will change a bit.

Hmmm, when it comes to footage that is scheduled to be released, there are too many subjects that should not be shot.
In the era of analog cameras, the captured images were basically not shared, so it was possible to find the subject relatively freely.
The situation was reversed when the camera was connected to the net.
Nowadays, the only subjects you can shoot without worry are the clouds in the sky, the sun, the ground, or the sleeping face of a cat.

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Lexington Police continue to investigate murder of 75-year-old woman in mobile home… On September 19, 2020, at approximately 1:20 p.m., …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
