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How long is the diameter of the earth?

Is your dad at home now? My voice is small.....

The person explains that his house is by the pond. The pond is not a large pond, and the number of private houses around it is limited.


“It’s a house just up the hill.”

It’s a very rough address.
I’m in a place where I can see the pond. Indeed, it is a small and quiet pond. There is a forest on the bank and a private house on the other side.
I walked a little looking for the address I had already been told, but I couldn’t find the new house he said.
The address and name that do not correspond to the correct answer are written on the gate pillar of the old private house.
As is often the case, we often do not know the exact location of our residence.
It makes me want to laugh. Because we are alive without knowing the exact address.

How small are humans?

I’m not interested in the diameter of the earth. It suffices to understand that it is big.
According to the publication, the world is vast and people are small. But I wonder what that means.
The world we can recognize using our five senses is small. If only what is perceived by the individual senses is accepted as the world, we live within a radius of a few meters.
As we are terribly small creatures, the world we recognize or use is also small.
As proof, write the name of someone you know on a piece of paper. A piece of A4 size paper is enough.
But in contrast to the vague image of the earth or the world for us, the world around us is concrete to us.
Apart from the rumor that the earth is big and round, we trust the range of a few meters around us as an obvious fact.
So we often make the mistake of unconditionally extending our own environment to the world of others.

I can certainly see a small pond, the blue sky is high, and there are scattered private houses, but I can’t meet the people I have to meet. It’s a daytime nightmare.
I thought about some possibilities. Is there two types of town name divisions in this area, administrative divisions and customary divisions?
No way. I realize that my thinking ability has declined.
I desperately walked around the banks of a small pond. Then, a child about 5 years old was standing in front of an abandoned house and looking at me.
A casual look behind the child reveals his address and name on the wall of the abandoned house. here.
Is your dad at home now? My voice is small.

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Galaxy S22: Samsung tipped to use the Snapdragon 898 in most markets outside Europe - News… The Samsung Galaxy S22 will be released in February 2022. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
