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Are sports drinks effective as a measure against heat?

Even if you’re thirsty, you can play for a few more hours if you’re not sluggish! ....

Those who are unlucky and have to spend the whole day in the scorching sun may have a simple schedule of fluid intake.


Are sports drinks effective as a measure against heat?

In my case, I drink water little by little, and even if the plastic bottle is empty, I don’t drink anything until I’m thirsty.
When my body gets hot and frustrated, I drink a second bottle of water. At that time, I sweat, but I can see that it lowers my body temperature.
Moisture starts to work as a coolant, it doesn’t get frustrating, and it feels good.
In the meantime, my body’s energy is being consumed little by little, so then I drink sweet drinks not for hydration but for energy source replenishment.
Since the rise in body temperature is stopped, my body, which has absorbed sugar, moves according to my will.
After that, when my throat dries, I drink water again and I don’t get serious dehydration until sunset.
Well, as you may have noticed, yes, I don’t drink sports drinks.
Sports drinks are effective for supplementing sodium after sweating, but under normal conditions, drinking sports drinks can result in excessive sodium levels in the body.
Of course, I don’t know the details, but I feel that sports drinks are often unnecessary by drinking water effectively.

How to rank things?

Now, as we are rich in information, we are interested in ranking various things.
Ranking is easy if performance is quantified. All you have to do is sort the entries in descending or ascending order.
So how do you rank non-quantified performance?
Even if the aesthetics of the judges determine the ranking, as in the Olympics, it will not get the approval of many.
But there is clearly the latest ranking in every field.
Looking closely at the unquantifiable hierarchy, the top ranked candidates have some characteristics. Its features are unique performance and simplicity.
This means that it cannot be replaced by others and that it is persistent.
Of course, when something is competing, you have to beat other players in order to be ranked high.
But I feel that the top performers strive to be as unique and simple as they are to beat their competitors.
As a result, uniqueness and permanence will have a major presence, and other candidates will only be subordinate.

Water is an absolutely unique item, and it is impossible to develop a similar item. First of all, the cost of developing water far exceeds the cost of pumping ordinary water.
Sports drinks have been developed to outperform water, but they are not easy to use.
Of course, unplanned drinking of water cannot overcome the heat. You need to know how to drink effectively.
And after I was able to drink water effectively and endure the heat, I noticed something. That is, thirst doesn’t mean much damage.
Even if you’re thirsty, you can play for a few more hours if you’re not sluggish!

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
