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What can we do to get good results?

The core of the drama is always a mystery for some reason.....

The sight I saw is as follows. Perhaps a roll of paper was stuck to the woman’s back. It immediately hit the woman’s waist and fell to the ground.


It looked so strange

that it looked like slow motion, but it was actually a moment.
The young woman wasn’t walking down the street without noticing that the rolled paper scraps were caught around the back of her lovely one-piece dress. It seemed that a piece of paper thrown by someone hit the woman’s back.
After watching the slow motion, I rotated the roll film in the reverse direction.
Maybe someone threw a rolled piece of paper on her back. It bumped around her back and fell. She turned around a little.
Just before the paper scraps were thrown, she had a middle-aged woman who passed her. The middle-aged woman and the young woman looked at each other for a moment.
The expression of the middle-aged woman who threw the paper scraps was ugly and distorted. This wasn’t slow motion or reverse playback, it was the real thing I saw.

Why are amateurs not professionals?

I do not deny that the result is everything. As one of the measures of the value of every activity, the persuasiveness of the results is unwavering.
So what can we do to get results? What are the conditions for good results?
Of course, ability is required. Producing something with market value in large quantities and at high speed is the ability.
However, it is better to have less input for that. If you can achieve a large output with a small amount of input, you will be recognized as capable.
However, the ability may not produce results. Don’t you think it’s strange?
In my case, I don’t feel strange that people’s abilities and results do not match, and I don’t feel indignation.
The reason is that there are often people who get good results even if they lack some ability.
In addition, how many people are capable but never get good results!
After all, amateurs are people whose abilities and results are inconsistent.

I don’t know if the two women who passed each other on the street knew each other.
Each may have been a stranger, but that’s a small problem.
A woman younger than herself approached from the front of a woman. A woman older than herself approached another woman from the front.
The distance between the women is shortened, and their eyes collide.
This part is the script I imagined and created. The core of the drama is always a mystery for some reason.

Ellen Port becomes first woman to win Metropolitan Senior Amateur | Golf Channel
Ellen Port becomes first woman to win Metropolitan Senior Amateur | Golf Channel… “That’s a beautiful trophy, and like I said in my speech, that trophy doesn’t know if it’s a man or a woman holding it, it just knows it’s someone who loves golf,” …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
