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What are the side effects of overcoming psychological panic?

“I’m heading there now.” ....

How should I explain that scene? I still can’t find the right words.


Oh! Around noon, the road was flooded.

I carefully searched for a place that wasn’t submerged and evacuated there to avoid the splash of waves caused by the running car.
I would like to point out that the unfamiliar jargon of meteorological experts is too powerless to stop such a situation.
As the area below the knees got soaked, we learned that the knowledge we needed was not about the sky, but about the diameter of the drainage pipe in the ground.
The lighter didn’t ignite immediately because the oil evaporated due to the low pressure, and I was frustrated with the cigarette.
The roads in this town were designed in an era when it rained slowly, and could not cope with the heavy rainfall caused by recent global warming.
I put off going somewhere and headed to a familiar store.

What happens to a person if he or she experiences something that cannot be determined?

We have a certain way of observing based on past experience.
That means the reference points and margins of error we have. Any event that fits within it can be acknowledged appropriately and calmly.
However, if we experience something that deviates from that judgment zone, we do not know how to interpret it.
Well, the attitude of not admitting what you don’t understand is not bad. But if we do that, we will lose to the new experience.
I think that one of the ways to avoid such a judgment panic is immunity.

What are the side effects of overcoming psychological panic?

More specifically, it is the immunity of thought.
Once you experience an event that exceeds your judgment capacity, you will not be hit by a severe panic if you are immunized with your thoughts.
However, it is not due to the increased margin of error, but to the movement of the reference point for judgment.
So keep in mind that your criteria for judgment have shifted slightly when immunity has made it possible to withstand psychological panic.
In addition, keep in mind that ethical regulation will have little effect on slight deviations in criteria.

Sitting in a corner of a familiar store there, I dried my clothes and took a nap.
I had already promised to contact someone at 16:00. Of course, it was a secret that I was about to lie down.
It was 16:20 when I returned to consciousness in the store where the sound of rain did not come in. I was a little impatient.
I got a call. I was lucky that I didn’t turn off the power.
“where are you now?”
“I’m heading there now.”

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Back to school: Minnesota parents urged to get child immunizations up-to-date in the pandemic |… For most Minnesota students, the 2021-22 school season begins on Sept. 7. …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
