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What should I be aware of when using ATMs?

But when we’re about to get involved in such a situation, we can’t do anything unexpectedly.....

I could not hear the contents of the conversation of the middle-aged women. I knew it wasn’t a conversation.


What should I be aware of when using ATMs?

I only deposited a few banknotes at an ATM. I stood in front of the machine for only a few minutes.
Of the two women, one was doing something in front of the machine next to me, and the other was standing right behind her buddy.
The two were exchanging appropriate words so that they would not be suspicious. And the woman standing behind was observing me.
The woman must have been disappointed because I didn’t enter my PIN. Then she seemed to start staring at the bag on my shoulder.
What was in my crumpled eco bag was a worn-out umbrella and a half-eaten sandwich.
I wouldn’t have stopped her if she showed off her expert skills. I intended to throw away the umbrella in the next few days. Also, if you like the sandwich inch I made, please enjoy it.
I paid for water and gas.

How are household expenditures roughly divided?

If you’re like collecting receipts and writing a household account book, you might be categorizing and keeping track of your spending.
In general, household spending is roughly divided into necessary expenses and unnecessary expenses.
Necessary expenses include housing and utilities. Unnecessary expenses are expenses for entertainment, etc., and sometimes for education.
However, the above classification is rather sloppy, and in reality the boundary between necessary expenses and waste is fluid.
Because, you see, electricity is sometimes used for entertainment, and the amount of tap water used is far beyond what is needed for survival.
So I think it would be wise to limit the resources we consume quantitatively rather than qualitatively.

Imagine if I had used my electronic card to enter my PIN there, the story would have continued.
The next prey they’re looking for after snooping on my PIN is my electronic card.
There must have been many tricks. Their companions would have sneaked up from behind and put their hands in my jacket pockets. Or maybe I approached from the front and snatched my jacket.
The media is still explaining and calling attention to criminals’ tactics.
But when we’re about to get involved in such a situation, we can’t do anything unexpectedly.

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
