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What benefits did we get from using the tools?

So I couldn’t immediately confirm that I was in the right place.....

I remember feeling comfortable with the dry wind. These days, it’s just like the time goes by unnecessarily.


I was heading down a dim and winding mountain road to a town I didn’t know if it was there or not.
I didn’t think people lived in such a mountain. The sun goes down, and the lights of the distant harbor gradually get farther away.
Few people are walking, and cars sometimes pass at high speeds.
It was time for even owls and wolves to return to their homes.

We are taught the story before birth

as a story to be affirmed and are required to memorize it.
Of course, the world existed before we were born, so I have no intention of denying it.
But the story of the past told is so wonderful that it feels like an overly happy scenario.
It is not possible to verify that someone has replaced the past because the past is something we can no longer see.
But even stories dramatized by ethics and values ​​are accepted as clues to the truth.

Can we live if we have hope?

However, I would like to disagree with the fact that our history has been created solely by ethics, values ​​and ideas.
Such a technique lacks some critical elements. One of the elements is about tools.
No one who lived at any time could live by ideas alone. I think that proper tools were needed for people to live.
After all, the development of tools that support people’s lives has increased our life expectancy and made us a little smarter, right?
Of course, sometimes even though a huge amount of blood was shed by the tools.

Eventually, some lights began to appear beyond the black mountain. I didn’t go missing.
A road extends to a large apartment building. Apartment houses are built at the foot of the mountain where no one can live without owning a horse-drawn carriage or private car.
I gradually began to understand the mysterious answer.
Most of the windows of large apartments can be seen to be lit. The number of inhabitants is extremely large.
Yes, I thought they must be using an electric bike.
Electric bicycles allow residents to make daily round trips on long slopes without having to pull the car out of the garage.
I got off the elevator, walked down the hallway, and stood in front of a room.
I couldn’t find the nameplate on the door or on the wall around it.
So I couldn’t immediately confirm that I was in the right place.

Man shot, killed at east Las Vegas mobile home park | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Man shot, killed at east Las Vegas mobile home park | Las Vegas Review-Journal… Detectives believe the man was shot with a rifle while inside a mobile home in the community, …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
