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Should the inside of the mailbox be cleaned?

What is the next thing thrown into it?....

Even the inside of the mailbox seems to be affected by rain and wind. I took out the waste paper that had accumulated on the bottom of it.

cannot be done

Should the inside of the mailbox be cleaned?

Envelopes that are discolored with dust are documents distributed by the government office to each household. I ignored it for almost a year and didn’t get it out of the mailbox.
Why did I take out such garbage this morning? To throw it away.
The document is a survey form. It is a form to enter in detail for each household what kind of people live and what they are doing.
fool. How many stupid people respond to such surveys for free?
When I broke the envelope roughly and took out the contents, I got evidence that the tax was wasted.

What is the decisive difference between purpose and goal?

Let’s assume that the world is composed of two types, what can be done and what cannot be done. What value do you think the ratio of the two is?
I think the ratio of the two may be 50:50.
Well, such a concrete number is not a big issue. It’s okay if you remember that neither will ever be zero.
After all, there are many things we can’t do.
As our tendency, we adopt what can be realized realistically as an end, and include things that cannot be realized realistically in the category of goals.
Many of the purposes paired with means are feasible. And things that are not feasible are considered goals and are postponed to the future.
Yes, the decisive difference between purpose and goal is whether or not a means is found.
Oh, the goal has no concrete means to achieve it. Therefore, we cannot achieve the goal concretely.

The survey form was printed and distributed by the government office in order to create a database of nationwide inhabitant information.
I put the dirty waste paper in the trash. I already know that the collection rate of the questionnaire is around 50%.
No matter what grand plan is made, if no concrete measures are arranged, it will only be a poor quality fantasy.
The inside of the mailbox has been cleaned up. What is the next thing thrown into it?

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That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
