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Under what circumstances does the ligament break?

Even though I don’t mean to look down on him.....

A man I know has a bandage on his arm. When he was walking and stumbled and fell, his hand touched the ground.


He couldn’t support his fallen body with one hand

He broke his ligaments.
He said he was stupid himself.
I said it was not stupid to get injured or get sick.
However, I don’t know what he really thinks about having a bandage on his arm.

What makes us aware of others?

We have various emotions toward others, including the act of comparison.
Specifically, superiority complex, inferiority complex, pity, pride, etc.
If any of them are missing, we cannot remain calm.
In other words, we are conscious of others by comparing.

He seemed inconvenient because he couldn’t move the fingers of his one hand.
But he didn’t seem to have experienced the ultimate misery.
That is because those around him are merciful to him.
But I wonder what he thinks of all the inconveniences for the time being.
Even though I don’t mean to look down on him.

Shooting involving CHP, armed woman prompts WB 134 Freeway closure - Opera News
Shooting involving CHP, armed woman prompts WB 134 Freeway closure - Opera News… When officers arrived at the scene, …

That’s all for today’s post. Thank you
